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Surefire Sonic Defender EP3, Filtered Earplugs, 1 Pair
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Surefire Sonic Defender EP3, Filtered Earplugs, 1 Pair

Product ID: 460421169
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EP3 Sonic Defenders protect your hearing without interfering with your ability to hear routine sounds or conversations. Their double-flanged-stem design fits most people and provides a Noise Reduction Rating (NRR) of 24dB. Sounds, at safe levels, are allowed to pass through into the ear canal, while potentially harmful noises (above 85dB) are reduced via a proprietary design that incorporates a special noise-reducing filter. EP3s include attached filter caps, which can be inserted for additional protection and blocking out lower-level noise, like that heard on a plane, where hearing ambient sounds or conversations isn't critical. Right/left color-coded Sonic Defenders are made from a soft but durable, hypoallergenic polymer that provides all-day comfort and an extended product life. Listen To Your Ears. Permanent hearing loss is no joke. SureFire EP3 Sonic Defenders will protect your hearing against Noise Induced Hearing Loss (NIHL) without compromising your ability to hear routine sounds or conversations in noisy environments. Their double-flanged-stem provides a Noise Reduction Rating (NRR) of 24 dB. Safe sound levels are allowed to pass through into the ear canal, while potentially harmful noises (above 85 dB) are reduced via our proprietary noise-reducing filter. EP3s include attached filter caps that can be inserted for additional protection, blocking out lower-level noise, like that heard on a plane, where hearing ambient sounds or conversations isn't critical. Sonic Defenders are made from a soft, durable, hypoallergenic polymer that provides all-day comfort and extends product life (up to 6+ months, depending on usage and care). 24-dB Noise Reduction Rating (NRR) with filter caps inserted Lowers potentially dangerous noise levels above 85 dB Hear safe sound levels (with filter caps out) as if you weren't wearing ear plugs Patented EarLock® retention rings utilize seven contact points to lock earpieces in place and fit the same way every time; soft, double-flanged stems provide secure seals and all-day comfort Made from hypoallergenic, medical-grade polymer that's soft, durable, and long-lasting

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