Lipton Terrific Turmeric Herbal Tea Bags, 15 Count (Pack of 4)
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Lipton Terrific Turmeric Herbal Tea Bags, 15 Count (Pack of 4)

Product ID: 77251173
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Send in the soothing with Lipton Terrific Turmeric herbal tea featuring turmeric, ginger & orange. For centuries, the Ayurvedic tradition has praised Turmeric for its role in aiding digestion and supporting joint movement. Our Turmeric comes from a curcumin-rich root that is finely ground into a golden orange powder and enjoyed for its earthy taste and restorative benefits. Find your soothing moment with Lipton tea blended with Turmeric, ginger & orange. Take a Turmeric time out. Reset and restore while you enjoy a daily cup or two. For the perfect cup brew 4-6 minutes in freshly boiled water. For a refreshingly cool take, add ice. Enjoy! Wellbeing by Lipton, a cup a day for well-being your way. Lipton offers a cup a day for well-being your way. Our range of products will enhance your wellness routine: - New Lipton Herbal supplements made with carefully selected botanicals and blended with essential oils. Crafted for those moments in life when you need some extra self-care. - Green tea, which may help support a healthy heart. Unsweetened Lipton 100% Natural Green Tea contains about 150mg flavonoids per serving. A daily consumption of at least 400mg flavonoids may help maintain a healthy heart as part of a diet consistent with dietary guidelines. - Lipton Magnificent Matcha with green tea helps you find your focus while delivering the smooth, earthy taste of matcha and the goodness of green tea. It’s the perfect addition to a healthy lifestyle!

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Neha S.

Excellent communication throughout the order process. Product is perfect.

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Anjali K.

The product quality is outstanding. Exactly what I needed for my work.

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